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Revision as of 20:59, 30 June 2022 by Snowpaw (talk | contribs)

462 Health
157 Physical Power
157 Spell Power



Keely the Frost Archer is the second boss in sequential order. Keely can be found patrolling the Bandit Trapper Camp.


Keely has 3 different abilities it will use throughout the fight.

  • Frost Arrows: This is Keely's basic form of attack that it will use. She will charge to shoot 3 arrows after locking to her target causing anyone hit to chill. If you are hit by this ability or Frost Volley when chilled you will be frozen for a short time. It can be countered or dodged making it easy to avoid.
  • Vanish: Kelly will go invisible to reposition. Keely uses this ability after Frost Volley and sometimes to get away from danger.
  • Frost Volley: Kelly scream "FREEZE" and will shoot 10 arrows above which will come down in random locations around her dealing frost damage and chilling anyone hit.


Keely can be found patrolling the shown areas.

Frost Archer Path.png


Try luring Keely into one of two tents in the camp. Keely will start by shooting frost arrows at you this is her main source of damage. You can keep circling and attacking her until she uses Vanish or Frost Volley when this happens reposition to avoid getting hit.



  • Try cleaning the mobs in the Trapper Camp before engaging her this will make your fight easier.
  • It will take Keely 1s to lock into her target with Frost Arrows then you can move and hit her when she is still charging.
  • Watch out for her saying FREEZE, when she says this she will use Frost Volley.
  • If you get chilled take a second for effect to wear off.